BIOPURE Reference Materials Mycotoxins – Toxins

Standaarden; Single Calibrant Solutions en Mixen

Food Risk Management biedt het volledige RomerLabs assortiment referentie materiaal & ‘Interne Kalibratie Standaarden’ (IS ) aan voor HPLC en LC-MS/MS.
o.a. voor mycotoxinen onder de merknaam Biopure® .

Het BIopure assortiment bevat een brede range referentie materialen / standaarden zowel in vaste,- als vloeibare vorm en mix oplossingen.
Specifiek voor LC-MS/MS methode heeft Biopure® een exclusieve reeks internal Fully Stable Isotope Labelled standaarden in haar assortiment.


Certified Reference Material (CRM):


Stable Isotopic Labelled Mycotoxin Liquid Calibrants: i

BIOPURE Isotopice Labelled Calibrant productlist 2016

AgraQuant PLUS:
immunoassay testkits
(ELISA, gestandaardiseerd protocol)

BIOPURE productlist 2016




Kijk voor verdere product informatie ook eens op de RomerLabs website BIOPURE:





BIOPURE: referentie standaarden mycotoxinen.

A reference material one or more of whose property values are certified by a procedure which establishes its traceability to an accurate realization of the unit in which the property values are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty at a stated level of confidence.

The 3 Keys for high quality RMs“:

  1. Traceability
  2. Certified Value
  3. Uncertainty Statement


Single Calibrant Solutions
ISO Guide 34 – Certified Reference Materials
Mycotoxin Calibrant Mixtures
Solid Mycotoxin Standards
Stable Isotopic Labeled Mycotoxin Liquid Calibrants


Bijlgeleverde analyse certificaten van de BIOPURE oplossingen:ffff

Certified Value: For a CRM, the value that appears in the certificate accompanying the material.

Omvat o.a.:

  • Detailed name of the material
  • Producer & producers code
  • General description of material & expiry date
  • Intended use
  • Instructions for proper use
  • Instructions for storage
  • Certified property value(s) + statement of uncertainty
  • Documentation of traceability
  • Method(s) used to obtain property values

Ergot Alkaloïde standaarden

Ergot alkaloids are mycotoxins produced by fungi of all members of the Claviceps species, most important in terms of frequency of occurence C. purpurea.

These fungi are able to produce a wintering body, also known as sclerotium. Such structures are mainly found on rye, wheat and triticale. Sclerotia contain different classes of alkaloids, the most prominent being:

ergometrine, ergotamine, α-Ergosine, ergocristine, α-Ergocryptine and ergocornine
< Brochure Ergot’s 2016 >




Wenst u meer technische details te ontvangen van het BIOPURE assortiment standaarden of de individuele componenten gelieve contact met Food Risk Management op te nemen. Het productmanagment team BIOPURE bij RomerLabs staan u graag te woord.


Wij sturen u graag verdere technische informatie over de RomerLabs BIOPURE standaarden door. De FRM 2016 prijslijst is vrijblijvend opvraagbaar.
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